Tetyana Batanova is appointed as a new UAJS Secretary
The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies congratulates a head of the Judaica Department at the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine Tetyana Batanova on her appointment to the post the Secretary of the Association.
She was assigned at the extended meeting of the UAJS Board on February 1, 2021. We wish Tetiana fruitful work for development of Jewish Studies in Ukraine.
International Holocaust Memorial Day – 2021
The International Holocaust Memorial Day is celebrated today. The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies honors the memory of all murdered and those who tried to save them with their lives.
Thank you for your support in 2020!
The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies is very grateful to those who supported its activities with financial aid or in other ways in 2020.
In 2021, you can sponsor the UAJS by wire transfer or credit card (via Portmone payment service). Please find the details here.
UAJS wishes you a happy Chanukah!
The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies congratulates you on the bright holiday of Chanukah!
We wish you happiness and a cheerful mood!
!פֿריילעכן חנוכה אַ
UAJS invites to the academic Yiddish online courses and Yiddish speaking club
The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies begins registration to the Yiddish courses and speaking club organized within the UAJS Yiddish Project in cooperation with the Omeljan Pritsak Research Center for Oriental Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
UAJS accepts applications for the Marten Feller and Zhanna Kovba Book Award 2021
The Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies accepts applications for the Marten Feller and Zhanna Kovba Book Award for the best volume in the field of Jewish Studies in 2021. The awarding ceremony is planned for autumn 2021.
Happy Rosh Ha-Shana!
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On these days of the holiday of Rosh Ha-Shana, the Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies wishes you a sweet and fruitful new year!
!שנה טובה ומתוקה