Marten Feller and Zhanna Kovba UAJS Book Award winners





The names of Marten Feller and Zhanna Kovba UAJS Book Award winners were announced by the jury.

In 2019, it was decided to split the award between two nominees:

  • Efim Melamed — for elaboration of the archival guide Dokumenty po istorii i kulture evreev v regional'nykh arkhivakh Ukrainy: Putevoditel'. T. 2: Nikolaievskaia, Odesskaia, Khersonskaia oblasti Documents on Jewish History and Culture in Local Archives of Ukraine: A Guide. Vol.2. Nikolaev, Odessa, Kherson Regions (Kyiv: Stylos, 2014, 776 p.);
  • Nataliia Ryndyuk (posthumously) and Oleksandra Uralova — for the first complete translation of Sholem Aleichem's novel Tevye der milkhiker / Tevye the Dairyman from Yiddish into Ukrainian and academic editing of this translation (Kyiv: Znannia, 2017, 189 p.).

The awarding ceremony will take place during the international academic conference “'Where the Jews Will Be – That Is the Land of Israel.' Ukrainian-Jewish Literary Contacts in the Second Half of the 19th and First Half of the 20th Centuries" (September 25–26, 2019, Odessa).

UAJS Board congratulates Efim Melamed and Oleksandra Uralova, and wishes their work to be fruitful!

Marten Feller and Zhanna Kovba UAJS Book Award was establish with support of the Nadav Foundation.